
ansible-rulebook is either used as a command line tool or used as a web service with ansible-rulebook-ui.

CLI Usage and Examples

The ansible-rulebook CLI supports the following options:

-h, --help                  Show this page
-i, --inventory=<i>         Inventory
--rulebook=<r>              The rulebook file or rulebook from a collection
-S=<S>, --source_dir=<S>    Source dir
--vars=<v>                  Variables file
--env-vars=<e>              Comma separated list of variables to import
                            from the environment
--debug                     Show debug logging
--verbose                   Show verbose logging
--version                   Show the version and exit
--websocket-address=<w>     Connect the event log to a websocket
--id=<i>                    Identifier
--worker                    Enable worker mode
--project-tarball=<p>       Project tarball

To get help from ansible-rulebook run the following:

ansible-rulebook --help

To check the version of ansible-rulebook run the following:

ansible-rulebook --version

The normal method for running ansible-rulebook is the following:

ansible-rulebook --inventory inventory.yml --rulebook rules.yml --vars vars.yml


The –rulebook option requires the –inventory option. The –vars option is not required.

If you are using custom event source plugins use the following:

ansible-rulebook --inventory inventory.yml --rulebook rules.yml -S sources/


Here sources is a directory containing your event source plugins.

To run ansible-rulebook with worker mode enabled the –worker option can be used. The –id, and –websocket-address options can also be used to expose the event stream data:

ansible-rulebook --rulebook rules.yml --inventory inventory.yml --websocket-address "ws://localhost:8080/api/ws2" --id 1 --worker


The id is the activation_instance id which allows the results to be communicated back to the websocket. The –project-tarball option can also be useful during development.

The –verbose and –debug options can be added to any of the above commands to increase the logging output.