========== Conditions ========== In event driven automation a condition determines if a rule fires (runs its action). Conditions are written in format that is similar to the conditionals format in `Ansible playbooks`_:: event.status == "enabled" Each condition will match one event. The condition much have a value with the ``event`` prefix to compare to other variables or values. The line above can be read as **if you find an event with status equal to "enabled" then run the action.** That event will be stored as a variable named ``event`` for the action to access. Conditions support the following operators: * ``==`` - equality * ``>`` - greater than * ``>=`` - greater than or equal to * ``<`` - less than * ``<=`` - less than or equal to * ``and`` - true if both adjoining statements are true * ``or`` - true if either adjoining statement is true * ``is defined`` - true if a value is defined * ``is not defined`` - true if a value has been removed (does not exist) * ``+`` - add a value * ``-`` - subtract a value * ``{{x}}`` - variable substition for variable ``x`` .. _Ansible playbooks: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_conditionals.html ..